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The City of Los Angeles General Plan provides QES with a roadmap by which we navigate the land use entitlement process on behalf of our clients.
Some municipalities call it a comprehensive plan or a master plan; in California, it’s called a general plan. But no matter what name it goes by, the plan typically covers a tremendous range of topics, including land use, housing, low-income housing, transportation, utilities, parks and recreation, and more.
A city’s general plan is an expression of that city’s goals for development and the public policies and zoning expectations that will likely be required to bring these goals to fruition. As one might imagine, the general plan for a city the size of Los Angeles is extensive. It encompasses plans for both the near and the far future.
The city itself explains that the General Plan “serves as a blueprint for the future, prescribing policy goals and objectives to shape and guide the physical development of the City.”
The city continues: “By identifying land use categories and corresponding zones, the General Plan provides the foundational guide for planning, outlining how land is used and how the City allocates its resources. The General Plan is, however, more than just the legal basis for all local land-use decisions; it is the vision for how the City will evolve, reflecting the values and priorities of its communities.”
So we can see that the City of Los Angeles General Plan affects many different stakeholders. This includes land-use entitlement and public notification firms like QES Inc. but also the people and organizations with whom we interact on a day-to-day basis. This means city councils, architectural firms, engineers, developers, and many more.
Each of these stakeholders will be further involved in the specific of the General Plan based on their industry and area of expertise. They may be engaged in land use, air quality and environmental justice, conservation, public health and safety, mobility and infrastructure systems, open spaces, public facilities, and housing elements.
The Los Angeles Department of City Planning describes each of these elements in great detail. And with the Los Angeles General Plan as a guide — including updated general plans — QES can assist our clients with their land-use planning and public notification materials across these different but connected disciplines.
QES knows and understands these comprehensive policy documents, the elements of the General Plan, element updates, and overall General Plan updates, and how they continue to inform land-use decision-making. We can also anticipate amendments to the general plan — both short-term and long-range.
State law requires cities to draft a general plan. Areas from the Hollywood sign to Venice Beach and from the mountains to the ocean plan for the long term.
QES has been in business for a long time in the state of California. Our clients know that we will inform them of their options based on city planning guidelines and laws. They also know that their projects and planning proposals will reach the right audience at the right time.
To learn more about our services, get in touch with QES Inc. today.